Today marks one month since we received our precious referral of Jae Min!!!! Hopefully only a couple of months until we hold him in our arms forever!!!! I had all those months I spent wondering when we would EVER get a I am scrambling to get it all done! We received word from our agency that we can go ahead and send a picture of us and a card to Jae's Foster Mom!!! And, we also get to prepare a ziploc full of goodies for Jae Min and his Foster Mom, so next time someone from our agency travels they can take it with them!
Little Jae're first glimpse of your forever family is headed your way!!!!
Ok, things to do:
*Get Callie's Passport
*Complete our required classes for adoption
*Finish reading our required books and write report
*Take CPR class
*Clean out/organize nursery, Callie's room, closets, toys, etc ,etc, etc
*Decorate Jae Min's nursery!!!!
Whew..pray (literally) that I can get this all done in a timely manner and not procrastinate and be come completely overwhelmed!
*Please pray that our little man is having a wonderful day with his Foster Mom
*Pray that the Lord is preparing his heart to know ours when we meet him for the first time
*Pray that the transition will go as smoothly as possible
*Pray that he comtinues to develop perfectly and normally
*Pray for our paperwork...that it is all being handled properly and that we know that God's timing for us to travel to Korea is perfect!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
One month today!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Blessed 6 Years!
Today at 1:37pm my precious baby girl turned 6 years old! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday we were coming home from the hospital.
Miss C, your daddy and I LOVE YOU so much and we can't imagine our lives before you! You have enriched each and every day of our lives! You are the most beautiful little princess inside and out.
I know God has big plans for you as He knows what an amazing heart you have for others!
I hope you have the BEST BIRTHDAY today!
All our love,
Mommy and Daddy
Monday, January 5, 2009
Prayer for our Little One in Korea
Today our sweet little Jae Min is 6 months old! We pray that he is having another wonderful day with his foster mom. We pray for his continued good health. We pray that our Heavenly Father is preparing his heart to know ours when we arrive to bring him home forever. We pray that the Lord is preparing the three of us in every way for our sweet baby boy!
I hope everyone had a fabulous New Year!