Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a great Easter. We hadn't planned anything, not knowing what our situation would be....but we ended up getting to celebrate with both our families!

We know that all Jae's info is back at the US Embassy in Seoul and all they need to do is schedule the Visa Interview, issue the Visa, and then we'll get TC (travel clearance)! Pray that all of that can happen early this week!

Here are just a few pics to enjoy!

Last "Family of Three" pic?
The Princess hunting for eggs

Cousins! The other cousins were under the weather :( We missed you guys!

Dad being silly grilling for Gran in her apron (that was 12 sizes too small)!

Gran and PaPa with kiddos...


Micah and Sunny said...

What a great "last family of 3" photo. It IS your last family of 3 photo and you WILL be getting TC VERY VERY soon. I know it seems like it will never come but now, sis, it is COMIN'!!!!

Can't wait to see that first family picture of 4!


Amy said...

I am so sorry for your wait. I would love to email you and share our story with you, it is VERY much like yours. My email is I have been following your blog and I feel your pain. Hang in there.
The wait is killing me too.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Amy (Dillon mom too.)

The Oswalds said...

I ran across your blog through someone elses and have been following it recently. We are in the paperwork process to adopt from Korea. I look forward to reading and seeing your trip as you meet little Jae. Who is adorable!

The Byrd's Nest said...

I am praying! I am praying!

Dania Efird said...

Prayers that you will get TC this week!