Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Woo Hoo...2nd and Final Home Study Complete!!!!

Hello again,

Well we started at 9:30 this morning and finished up right at 1:00pm. We were ALL starving!!! But, it went fabulous! We thought so anyway! We liked her a lot last week, but really enjoyed our time with her and the information we learned today even more!

She had Miss C sign a "Big Sister" contract and interviewed her first. I think Miss C told her everything down to my underwear size! But hey, you know going into to this process that you have to be totally transparent, so why not with sizes as well! ha!

She interviewed me individually for about an hour, J for about an hour and then wrapped up with us together at the end. We feel really confident about this process and that God does have a child planned for us! Hopefully sooner than later.....and we are trying to be as patient as possible!

She completed a "Safety Check" of our house as well, and we need to get one more fire extinguisher and put a lock on the medicine cabinet (it's up high so we hadn't put a lock on it). Other than those two minor items our house was fine!

She said it will take her 2-4 weeks to get it all written up and to Dillon (our agency) and then another 2-4 weeks to go through all the different approvals. Then we will be officially waiting for our addition!!!!

Please continue to pray for our process.

*Pray that there are no hold ups in her writing up the HS.
*Pray that there are no glitches or hold ups as far as all the agency approvals.
*Pray for our hearts to be prepared for the wait (short or long).
*Pray the we know that it is our child without a doubt when they call with a referral. And if it's not we will have peace about it and know that our child is coming.
*Pray the our child's BM is taking wonderful care of her body, health, pregnancy, child, etc.
*Pray that our hearts (mine, J, Miss C and baby) will know each other when we meet for the first time.
*Pray that our child will be the epitome of health and sound mind.
*Pray that we can meet whatever needs our sweet baby has or will have (physically or emotionally).

Thanks for letting us share all of our specific prayer requests! I know we will have MANY, MANY more in the months to come! That's it for now!

Lots of Love and Thanks,
J, C and Miss C and one step closer to Baby J or C


The Byrd's Nest said...

You know of all people, I am already praying about bonding/attachment.

I am so glad it is all getting wrapped up! Korea is so much easier than China to me.

Unknown said...

We are excitedly following along and keeping you in our prayers.

Micah and Sunny said...

I saw a link to your blog from Courtney S's blog. We are close in the process with you guys in Korea. We are a step or two ahead, so maybe you will get your baby right after us. We are also using Dillon. I look forward to our babies being home in our arms!

May God Bless you all!

Sunny K